I can’t deny whose child I am. I am reminded daily, in my own being, that “I am the son of Robert ‘Say’ McIntosh, Sr.” Whatever I was looking for, I found it in every other man, except my biological father. My very existence yearned for his provision, his protection, his direction, his discipline, his guidance, and his friendship. My very existence yearned for his love. I needed to be connected in a meaningful way to the man who gave me life. I desperately sought for affirmation that I am my father’s son.
As I grew older, affirmation came in my very own existence. It’s in my ways, mannerisms, walk, dialect, every quirk he has, I have. Whatever he did, good or bad, I did… magnified times the infinity. I’ve been blessed by his goodness and cursed by his sins. It seems my father’s iniquities are visiting our family generations to come. Am I doomed to be messed up all of my life? Am I fighting a losing battle? It seems… But I am determined to assure that my children will never have to write this book. I am resolved to break the generational curse handed down to even my father.
Change starts with this statement... I am my father’s son. Such a simple statement. In many times of my life, the hardest words I’ve had to utter. It’s not just saying them, it’s coming to the realization of what they really mean. Now comes personal responsibility… for my own actions, my own transgressions… my own sins.
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